Anti-Bribery and Corruption Investigations

Client confidentiality and trade secret investigations

Brand and trade secret fraud has increased exponentially due to the globalization of our trading markets. Taking steps to protect intellectual property is serious as when an incident occurs it is crucial to have an immediate and attentive response. Taking steps to protect intellectual property is serious as when an incident occurs it is crucial to have an immediate and attentive response.

Gray market and diverted goods are as harmful as brand fraud or counterfeits. They tarnish and dilute your brand while also decreasing the sales of legitimate products. This can harm your relationships with your sales force, manufacturers and business partners. With globalization this issue will continue to increase and we are here to help you resolve this. Today the gray market has extended to online as well as brick and mortar shops.

We investigate trademark infringements, protect brands and handle counterfeit as well as gray market good diversions with the utmost ethical and legal standards so that our results can be utilized during legal proceedings or for actionable intelligence to base strategic and tactical decisions. Call the professionals at the Ingenium Consulting Chicago and we can help you with this most complex and vexing problem.