Active Shooter/Workplace Violence Presentation and Training

Active Shooter Courses

The United States Department of Homeland Security defines an active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and other populated area. In most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. In many cases, there is no pattern or method to the selection of victims by an active shooter, and these situations are, by their very nature, unpredictable and evolve quickly.

Most incidents occur at locations in which the killers find little impediment in pressing their attack. Locations are generally described as soft targets, that is, they carry limited security measures to protect members of the public. In most instances, shooters commit suicide, are shot by police, or surrender when confrontation with responding law enforcement becomes unavoidable.

A recent study by the FBI confirms what we all know – the rate of active shooter incidents in the United States has increased, now averaging more than one per month. The most common location of an active shooter incident is a business (40%), while schools (including K-12 and Higher Education institutions) are the second most common location (29%).

In the five largest-casualty events referenced in the FBI study, (Northern Illinois University in DeKalb; Sandy Hook Elementary School; Fort Hood Army Base, Killeen, Texas; Virginia Polytechnic and State University in Blacksburg; and the Century 21 Theater) the police were on scene in about 3 minutes; yet, a substantial number of people still were shot and injured or killed,” the report claims.

That’s why it’s essential that management, staff, and students be properly trained for the possibility of violent situations on your campus so they know how to ideally prevent such an incident, or if one should occur, minimize the loss of life. Run, hide or fight. Those are the three things you are supposed to do if you are faced with an active shooter. But experts say you need to practice first.

Our team of Certified Protection Professionals (CPP) at the Ingenium Consulting Group will assist you in creating a perfect Active Shooter Training Program. Please call us to receive a no obligation quote.